How Many Couch Exercises You Will Try Easily?
5 Easy Couch Exercises. If you ’ re looking to get fit in the comfort of your own home , you may want to consider trying couch exercises. Couch exercises are similar to normal exercises but are performed while lying down on the couch. You can still see results from couch exercises , especially if you choose simple ones that require very little equipment or exertion on your part. 1) Seated Hip Raises. While seated , slowly lift your hips off of your chair. Repeat 10 times with control. This is a great exercise for strengthening and toning your lower back and abdominal muscles , as well as building a stronger core. If you have any lower back pain or issues , be sure to speak with your doctor before doing these exercises. They ’ re an advanced movement that many people with back pain shouldn’t attempt (and those who can ’ t do these exercises should strengthen their abs instead!). However , if you are healthy enough to perform them, they will help sculpt and tone your midsect...